- Are kernels of apricots edible? 杏仁能吃吗?
- The Agheila defile was kernel of the situation. 阿盖拉隘路是全局的核心。
- The edible,popped kernels of this variety of corn. 爆玉米花上述玉米种子爆制而成的可食物
- The edible, popped kernels of this variety of corn. 爆玉米花上述玉米种子爆制而成的可食物
- Concentrate of apricots mixed with water and sugar. 混合杏仁、糖、水的浓缩物。
- I think there is a kernel of truth in these otherwise frivolous comments. 我认为在这些本来是无关紧要的评论中含有一定的真实性。
- The central kernel of a nut or seed. 籽仁坚果或种子中心的仁
- We must get at the kernel of the problem. 我们必须抓住问题的核心。
- The kernel of his problem is lack of money. 他的问题的核心是缺钱。
- An old saw can have a kernel of truth in it. 一句谚语可有一个基本真理的存在。
- The kernel of a nut is usually eatable. 坚果的仁儿多半可以吃。
- Can you send us your keenest quotation CFR Hamburg for50 metric tons of Apricot Kernels? 能否报给我方苦杏仁五十公吨成本加运费汉堡最低价?
- Are you the patches of apricots, alluring, alive with fragrance, and overshadowing so many knocks-out? 你是那销魂摄魄的杏花吗?艳溢香融,羞杀几多美女。
- Hulled and dried kernels of corn, prepared as food by boiling. 玉米片去壳并晒干的玉米粒,煮熟可作为食物
- They are developing a new species of apricot tree which is more resistant to cold and blossoms in late spring. 他们正在培养一种新品种的杏树,这种杏树晚春时开花,有较强的抗寒能力。
- The kernel of the argument is who discovered the islands first. 争执的要点是谁最先发现了那群岛。
- The grains or kernels of this plant,used as food for human beings and livestock or for the extraction of an edible oil or starch. 谷粒这种植物的颗粒,是人类和牲畜的食品,也用来提取食用油或淀粉。
- kernel of apricot 杏仁
- The edible kernel of a nut. 核仁坚果的可食的仁
- Bouquet: Very fruity nose with outbursts of apricot and citrus. 气味:非常浓郁的果香,散发着杏树与柑橘的味道。